Monday, July 29, 2013

How it all began....

Growing up, I heard the story of the first Leanta that was filled with romance and wonder. You see, I carry her given name as my middle name, so I always wondered about her. The story goes something like this, my third great Grandfather Armstead Milner Feland was married fives times. His second wife was Leanta Sandidge Feland and as he got older, probably with dementia he called all women Leanta.  Leanta was the love of his life! I loved that story, but as an adult I think the reason I loved the story is because of my relationships with Great Grandparents: Robert Faris Feland, Sr., Lois Finis Reynolds Feland and their daughter, my great Aunt Leanta Dabney Feland Larsen Skloot. These three individuals created a loving environment for me and many others. This blog will be filled with memories, pictures and what I have learned about the Feland ancestors. If you have a story or a picture you would like to share on this blog, send me an e-mail and I will post it.

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